We are on a mission to make you believe in skincare again.

Gmaeum is a female-owned and founded brand from South Africa that is on a mission to make you believe in the power of carefully crafted skincare products that are here to provide you with both cosmetic and medical benefits.
Our approach is different. We are leveraging science and personal experience to pave the way to skincare products that are here not to promise miracles, but are here to deliver results.

Where it all began…
Like many of you, my journey to finding gentle and effective skincare products began with one flared up pore. I never imagined that one pimple would take me through years of looking at myself in the mirror and suddenly feel like I should not go out for the day. For years, I was stuck in this horrible cycle of feeling great about my skin and then falling back into a dark place where my self-esteem was nowhere to be seen.
And like many of you, I’ve also fallen prey to the overrated marketing techniques of various skincare companies who are only out to get my money. I followed anyone and anything that promised me a clear skin if I consistently used their products and practised their “miracle solution.”
While the journey offered varying roads, all of them took me back to the same place where I was before. A place where my skin was stripped off of its natural oils and moisture, inviting more irritation and breakouts. A place where my skin was never cleared of breakouts and with my self-esteem depleted to the last drop. I wanted to end the cycle, and then I came up with a discovery.
I realised that in order for me to effectively maintain a skin I will be comfortable with… I had to target the problem both from the inside and the outside.
After taking a step back, I realised that my experience was by no means unique. This allowed me to do more research than necessary and turned to biologists, pharmacists, biochemists, and chemists with an exciting idea.
Combining their unique understanding of skin and knowledge of different key active ingredients with my personal experience and insights, we created the formulation for Gmaeum. A genuine breakthrough in skincare where we only use ingredients that are backed by science and will work in perfect harmony with your body.


Gmaeum is here to make you believe in skincare again. We know how much time, money, and hopes you’ve spent on different products and skincare companies. The superior efficacy of our formulas are thoroughly tried and tested and are backed by a wealth of data to deliver proven and appreciable results.
We founded our brand to help you achieve four key goals:

Efficacy: We believe that skincare should go beyond just what the eyes can see. Our wide range of science-backed skincare products are created to bring you results by working their wonders from the inside to show the results on the outside.
Balance: We understand how lifestyle plays a vital role in achieving clear skin. And we are here to make sure our products will never disrupt your day-to-day life, so you can make more room for the things that will make you feel good.
Community: Being surrounded by people with clear skin can be isolating. We aim to build a solid community of skincare enthusiasts who are more than willing to help every member by providing practices that will amplify the effect of our products.
Knowledge: Understanding your own skin and how it reacts to different ingredients is vital to your journey towards confidence. We aim to help you get a better understanding of how each ingredient works on your skin, so you can better customize the Gmaeum experience to better fit your needs.
We’re thrilled to be part of your journey towards skin that you will be confident to show off to the world.